The seaon of the Witches is upon us, and with Samhain around the corner, I wanted to share my favorite online and physical shops where I stock up on all my witchy things. From incense and smudge sticks to candles and crystals, to handmade bohemian jewelery and more. Most of the shops also have an online store.
Rosenhof Market - handmade jewerly, essential oils, incense and tarot card reader
Weingasse, 8001 Zürich - every Saturday from 10 - 18:00 between the months of March and November
Hexenladen / Des Balances - witchy candles, oracle cards, books and so much witchy goodnes
Kruggasse 12, 8001 Zürich - open Tuesday till Saturday
Madal Bal - incense and smudging utensils including sand
Wenigstrasse 1, 8004 Zürich - open Monday till Saturday
FashinPie - find affirmation cards, oracle cards, journals, jewelery, smudge sticks and more
Lagerstrasse 102, 8004 Zürich - open Monday till Saturday
Haus der Edelsteine - your crystal paradise in Switzerland
Duft Oase - I love their feathers for rituals and smudging
Ceremonial Cacao from Aleks Nikolic - easy to use cacao blends for your rituals
Crystal Cave / Kristallhöhle, Kobelwald - includes a crystal shop and a tour of the crystal cave
SAVA Living - Essential Oils, Natural Skin Products + esoteric products
Sattva.108 - Peruvian Palo Santo, tea blends, incense, ceramics, oracle cards
Feminine Illustrations - stickers with feminine empowered visuals
Hexenmuseum - a witchy musuem about all things us witches love
Plannher by Vienda Maria - my favorite agenda and journal to plan my week, write down my Moon intentions and manifestations and explore my inner thoughts
Cosmic Postcards - affirmations with miniamlistic illustrations in earthy colors
Handmade Crystal Bracelets - choose your word and have a handmade crystal made for you
Magic of I - a cosmic agenda with astrological transits, a moon calendar and menstural tracker according to the moon
This list will continue to expand over time, as I will keep on searching for those witchy parts of Zurich, Switzerland and beyond. If you have any suggestions to add, I would love to hear from you and learn more witchy shops.
I would also like to write an article on Witchy places to visit in Switzerland. Meaning a part 2 is surely to come. Let me know if that is something you would be interested in.
About the writer
Inés Kelly is a trauma-informed space holder and integral guide in Human Design and astrology. Her multi-cultural background has gifted her with the insight of various rituals and traditions. Bringing the ancestral and the honoring of the natural cycles to the community is a deep value she holds.