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Writer's pictureInés Kelly

New Moon in Libra

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

With 6 planets, the lunar nodes and Chiron in retrograde, there is a lot happening astrologically at the moment. Retrogrades are not something to fear, but to embrace. Let’s explore some ways we can do so, as we enter a new Sun season of Libra.

new moon libra

Libra Season

As from the 22nd of September, our magnificent Sun shifts into the harmonious sign of Libra. You might have been feeling gradually a shift in energies and your focus has been averted to the people in your life.

Libra is a people-person. Rarely does it like to do things without someone by their side to share the experience with. And why not share our experiences in life with those we love? Librans intuitively know how to connect with others and appreciate the people in their life, making them a constant companion to have next to your side.

The Sun stays in one sign for approximately 30 days making the Sun journey one degree every day a bit further down the astrological wheel. Throughout the season of Libra, we put our relationships under the microscope: the one to Self and the one others. As one can not coexist in harmony without the other. For one month, we feel the consistent energy of the current astrological sign.

From the structural perspective of Virgo, where we embraced our imperfections more, we now can shift our energies to others to create harmony in our lives.

Harmony, balance, justice, fairness and relationships are themes that this Venusian sign is preoccupied with.

New Moon

The moon goes dark, in a void, she is no longer seen, but felt. The outward energies of the Full Moon has descended until it has reached the stillness of the New Moon. The night she pulls back from the visible eyes, and activates our invisible senses.

In Shamanism, when we journey (meditate), we close our eyes and open our invisible senses to feel, see and receive what is ready to be felt, seen and received on an energetic level. On a New Moon, those parts of ourselves can be released more than usual. The unseen can be seen.

Marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle, we take a step back to reflect on what we desire to see sown and harvested in our life. What do we desire to manifest? To have more or less of? The New Moon is also an excellent time to quit any bad or annoying habits and begin new ones.

New Moon in Libra

With the Venusian energies of Libra, it gives this New Moon the desire to connect with others. Sharing our New Moon intentions or reaching out to like-hearted people, is something that this New Moon might have us do.

On the New Moon in Libra, we also have the opportunity to go deeper within and ask ourselves: Where have I been creating disharmony in my life? Tuning into the Libran energies, we take a moment to reflect how have I been contributing to this situation?


Having so many planets in retrograde, meaning it orbits slower than usual, as if it would be orbiting backwards. Overall, the retrogrades give us pockets of time, like a pause, to reflect and be. Instead of fearing it, believing it will bring out the worst. Why don’t we look at it as an opportunity to be with the lessons that these retrogrades have to offer?

Retrogrades help us gain more perspective, be more in the moment and present with what we are currently experiencing and feeling. Instead of rushing through life, often distracting ourselves from what we truly feel, we are forced to slow things down. How can we embrace this slower pace and be open for the lessons that want to come through?

Fear not the retrogrades, BE with them.

Autumnal Equinox

On 23 September, the seasons are officially shifting. Known as the Autumnal Equinox, it is the time to honor the changing seasons. Honoring the equal day and night, since the Summer Solstice the daylight has been slowly decreasing and the nights lengthening. A time of weighing: What can I allow to be shed? And what to keep? What is left behind as the cycle passes to a time of darkness and stillness?

There is a sense of gratitude for all that the harvest season has to offer at the end of summer for the colder months ahead. Pause, recalibrate and reconnect to your energy. We now return inwards and reap what you have sown in the months before.

Moon Ritual

With the Sun and Moon in the communicative air sign of Libra, let’s explore our thoughts in our journal on the New Moon night. Write out your New Moon intention and vision. In other words, write down a goal for yourself this month. Empower yourself by speaking your New Moon intentions out loud to your loved ones, cultivating a deeper understanding of who you are to them. Let your loved ones have the opportunity to see you and support you.

Journaling Questions

✦ What is your New Moon intention? What is my goal for this month?

✦ What can I allow to be shed? And what to keep this new season of autumn? What is left behind as the cycle passes to a time of darkness and stillness?

✦ How can we embrace this slower pace and be open for the lessons that want to come through?

✦ Where have I been creating disharmony in my life? Tuning into the Libran energies, we take a moment to reflect how have I been contributing to this situation?

✦ Where do I feel a lack of justice and fairness in my life? How can I rectify this?

Autumnal Equinox Ceremony

Connect with your inner Autumnal energies in our upcoming seasonal journey on the New Moon and Autumnal Equinox. You have two opportunities to do so:

Journey the Wheel of the Year

Celebrating now almost a year since I began with my seasonal journeys, I am having a special sale for those who would like to join this journey throughout the seasons.

Sign up for one year and receive all 5 ceremonies including one bonus ceremony for free (the Witches Healing Circle), all for the special and current price of 222 CHF in person and 155 CHF/EUR online. Only valid this week. Your year can also start as from our Halloween Witches Healing Circle. Payment plans are possible upon request:

Have a blessed New Moon and shift of the seasons,

Inés Kelly

About the writer and guide

Inés Kelly, shamanic healer, astrologer and Human Design reader has been musing about the moon since 2018. Lover of all things cycles: moon, menstrual, seasons, astrology, ritual.

Anything cyclical that allows ourselves to flow at our own pace and time is medicine.

This is why she creates spaces for women to gather, dance, flow, be with the current energies, one another and themselves. Learn more about her.

P.S. Here is a recommendation for your Moon Rituals this Libra season:

Odin Perfumed Home Spray - Smells Like Spells

A handcrafted perfumed home spray with a hint of magick to gain confidence in your strengths and cultivate a harmonious energy in your home.


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