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How to Create an Altar

Writer's picture: Inés KellyInés Kelly

Updated: May 19, 2023

Imagine a space where you can come anytime, a place to come back into your being. As simple as lighting a candle. You set an intention while you light the flame. You deepen your breath. Your entire attention is in this very moment, activating this space you are creating for yourself. Every time you return there, you are activating this space further. The magic is being ignited.

How altars came into my life

Becoming a mother for me was like losing my Self. My life was no longer my own. It was now co-shared with these tiny beings that were completely dependent on me. I had to redefine what it meant to be me.

I longed for a space that is completely my own which was when I very naturally started to create an altar. I would write inspirational sayings, quotes from A Course in Miracles, hang up photos of Yogi Bhajan, light candles, diffuse oils - it was a place in my home that was dedicated just for me. It honored the path I was on. Even if I could spend only but short moments there at a time. It felt sacred to me. Exactly what I was craving.

Moon rituals came into my life shortly after. Manifesting with the energy of the moon made complete sense to me. That there was time to be, rest, contemplate, create, produce, receive, and release. The yin and the yang of the collective energy weaving in and out from one another. That one could not exist without the other. How there is a time for everything.

What is an Altar

It is a dedicated sacred spot in your home, where you can bring together many elements, objects, intentions to hone in the energy of your intention. A place of honoring your ancestors. It is not a place to worship the moon. It is more to enhance and magnify your desires on a deeper level. Where you can leave your intentions, affirmations, objects to be infused by the moon energy and energy from your prayers and meditation.

How to create one

Pick a designated area in your home and if possible keep it in the same spot to really activate that space with powerful intentions. I like to place all my items over a piece of wood or tray. Get creative and have fun with creating your sacred space!

Let it be a personalized sacred spot in your home that you allows to come back into the moment and focus on what you truly desire to create more of in your life.

Personally, I work with the shamanic principle of the 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth). In every ritual I do, I include something of each to honor our Mama Earth, Mama Luna and Father Sky.

Items for your Moon Altar based on the 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth):

  • Candles and matches/lighter (fire)

  • Sage/Palo Santo (earth)

  • Flowers/plants/dried herbs (earth)

  • Seashell/abalone shell (water)

  • Feather (air)

  • Singing bowls/bells/instruments (air)

  • Essences or essential oils (earth)

  • Crystals (earth)

  • Moon symbols (water)

  • Singing bowl, drum, gong (air)

Other items:

  • Symbol or photo of the moon (phases)

  • Photos of yourself

  • Pictures related to your dreams

  • Singing bowl, a gong, or another healing instrument

  • Photos of your spiritual teachers

  • Small statutes of Goddesses

  • Small symbols of luck, prosperity, love

  • Any sentimental objects

  • Pot or shell to burn/catch ashes

  • Flowers

How to put it all together

  1. Place your items at your moon altar on top of a tray or a cloth. My recommendation: I would keep the altar always at the same place as long as possible. As you are activating the space with your energy every time you encounter it.

  2. Choose one item of each element for your altar.

  3. Keep your intention and manifestation lists at the altar.

May you be guided to create an altar in your own unique way.


Inés Kelly

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About the Writer

Lover of all things cycles: moon, menstrual, astrology, ritual. Anything cyclical that allows ourselves to flow at our own pace and time is medicine to me.

In ceremony or through 1:1 sessions, I guide you to reconnect with yourself.

Ritual is a powerful tool to have. Let ritual empower you and become the focus you would like to ignite change from.

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