Oct 19, 2022What is Eclipse Season? Roughly every 6 months we experience a season of Eclipses which come both in the form of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. What is even the...
May 16, 2022How to look up your South NodeIn relation to my latest Moon article on the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, I have received the question: How to look up my South Node? I...
Apr 23, 2022Menstruation Astrology: How to interpet the astrology of your moon bleed - episode 61 I share often on my Instagram when I bleed, with which moon and under which sign. It was requested for me to do an episode on how I...
Feb 5, 2022the difference between cardinal, fixed and mutable signs - episode 60In this solocast, I share about: the difference between the cardinal, fixed and mutable signs what that means, the different astrological...
Aug 20, 2021What is a Blue Moon? Since the solar calendar consists of 12 months and the lunar calendar of 13 months, we experience an extra Full Moon from time to time....
Mar 27, 2021What is a Supermoon?The Supermoon is when the moon is the closest it will ever been in the calendar year. A supermoon occurs approximately every 411 days, in...